Sunday, August 17, 2014

Paderborn Weekend!

August 15th-17th, 2014

Last minute, I decided to stay in town this weekend. It seemed the right choice because I need to save money and I needed a break from all the intensity of traveling with exhausted girls. Also, Alma was staying in town because she can’t stand traveling with Janise anymore, so it worked out really well!

The best part about coming home after work on Friday was not having to pack quickly and run to catch our train. Instead, I got home and was out like a light shortly after I collapsed on my bed. I woke up just in time to shower, get dressed, clean a little, and head to dinner with Alma. The mess was very quiet with only a few officers and Craig and his family at dinner. Craig is a dentist on base and his parents and little sisters are visiting this week from UK. It’s nice to have other company at dinner :)

After dinner, Alma and I headed out into town to CafĂ© Bar Celona for a couple drinks. We saw some officers from base and talked with them for a little bit, while enjoying some delicious radlers. Because it’s Friday, we were still pretty tired and headed back to base around 10. Our plans to go to bed didn’t happen though as we decided to hangout with Craig and the Russian bartender on base until midnight, but we had such a good time! He jokes that “smoking is actually good for you because it challenges your lungs” lol okay. Craig is actually from Wales, so we talked a lot about his culture and how he still identifies as British and Welsh, etc. I learned that the “United Kingdom” refers to only England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. “Great Britain” refers to England, Scotland, and Wales. Southern Ireland does not identify with either due to conflict with the north. So interesting! I also learned that only small populations in Scotland and Ireland speak Celtic/Gaelic, but that most speak English. The Welsh speak Welsh, but are required to learn English in school. The things you learn about culture and politics never fail to shock and fascinate me!

The next morning we slept in until 9, which was sooo wonderful because I haven’t slept in past 7 since I’ve been here! We grabbed brunch at the mess hall and then caught the number 1 bus into town! Exploring downtown far exceeded my expectations. Alma and I casually shopped around and everything I bought was on sale! We didn’t know this, but every Saturday there is a market in town, which is why everything is so inexpensive :) I got my own floppy hat, a new pair of cute black flats (I tried on all the black flats at the store to make sure I really wanted them lol), a couple of scarves, and a cute little black purse, so I don’t have to carry my generic “Prague” one everywhere. We also walked through a museum and explored a few bridges and forestry in the area. I also grabbed a coffee at this coffee place I’ve been meaning to try. It was such a fun and low-key day; Alma is super sweet and easy to travel with too! No stress whatsoever :)

Saturday evening was relaxed and chill. Alma went to bed early, so I went to the mess and face timed my dad for the first time in a few weeks! I would say it was a Saturday night well-spent :)

Sunday we woke up, grabbed brunch, and headed into town to explore a little bit and grab some coffee. Everything but coffee shops and some restaurants are closed on Sundays because it’s “Family Day” in Germany, so it was nice to walk around town for an hour. We explored one of the churches in town, took a few pictures, and then headed back to base. Now it’s time to just hangout and prepare for Week 5 :)

Found another coffee shop along the main street :)

I'll post a few more pictures from this weekend later!

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